Bride Vibes: Q&A With Soon-To-Be Bride Zunma

This week our founder and lead stylist, Ashley, got to sit down with Zunma, a recent bride! They talk us through postponing your wedding and more!


Q: What’s the wedding journey been like after COVID?

A: “I was initially a 2020 bride, and we weren’t really sure what to do. By May we really sat down and had to consider our options and we made the decision to postpone our wedding until May 2021


Q: Until COVID really hit, what was the most exciting part of wedding planning?

A: “I would say going for all the tasting because I love food! We were gonna do intercontinental fusion!”


Q: What advice would you give to brides who are deciding whether to postpone or not?

A: “I think it’s a very personal decision. Does your date have a lot of meaning? Do you want to make that commitment ASAP? I would say just go with your heart! Right now there is a lot of ways to get creative and involve people who can’t be there in person: live streaming, photos, etc. There is also a lot of creative ways to have a safe wedding: stoop wedding, outdoor wedding, etc”


Q: What’s one thing brides should keep in mind?

A: “That day is gonna be special no matter what! When I was planning I kept thinking we have to have this and that, but whatever you choose to do is gonna be beautiful because it’s us joining our lives together.”


Q: Pretending the world is all open and good by 2021, where’s your ideal honeymoon destination?

A: “We honestly hadn’t picked where to honeymoon yet! We wanted to do somewhere in Africa or Asia, that was our real focus. I think we wanna do the honeymoon a few months after the wedding!”

Every week we discuss wedding questions directly from the comments with brides, planners, and more. Follow us on Instagram @bridalbabes to catch our lives and other exclusive content to help you plan the perfect day!

Disclaimers: Some of the answers have been shortened or paraphrased, watch the full live on our Instagram to see full answers. None of the companies or people mentioned are sponsoring us, we are talking about brands we genuinely like!

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